Saturday, April 10, 2010

" Either make me or break me "
Has it really been 3 months since my last update..
do i honestly have tan lines on the first week of april..
ng!!!!!!!! <3<3
i'll try and contain my excitement, but fuck yeahh.
ps. i suck at updating

What I can remember is a lot like water trickling down a page of the most beautiful colors. I can't quite put my finger down on the moment that I became like this. You see, I’m the bravest girl you'll ever come to meet. Yet I shrink down to nothing at the thought of someone really seeing me. I think my heart is wrapped around and tangled up in winding weeds but I don't want to go on living being so afraid of showing someone else my imperfections. And even though my feet are trembling and every word I say comes out stumbling, I will bare it all. Watch me unfold.
-jbeibs aug 24 ^

You were the guy I thought about while listening to all those songs,
the one guy who made me actually look forward to waking up in the morning,
You were the guy who could make or break me, who had my heart,
but never bothered to do anything about it.
You’ll be the high school heartache I’ll tell my kids about.

"We're all made of stories. When they finally put us underground, the stories are what will go on. Not forever, perhaps, but for a time. It's a kind of immortality, I suppose bounded by limits. It's true, but then so is everything."

"It's like, I did everything wrong, and then overnight, I've grown, and now, I do everything right."
- taken from my secret ( not
so secret) diary

ffuucckk you :) ...

Always remember that when someone wants a boyfriend, it wont help to tell them that some don't even have parents. Remember that just because others are starving, doesn't mean you cannot be hungry. Some people may be striving to live, but that doesn't mean others aren't wishing to die. Problems are relative, just because someone else's problems may be larger than yours does not mean yours do not matter.

"what happens when the boy holding your hand and the boy holding your heart aren't the same person?"

0 kissies: