Thursday, January 28, 2010

Its like nobody understands, and your the only exception.

hey, you know what hurts? when a guy denies that you've ever been a special part of his life, although thats what he's told you all along.

"went out driving tryin' to clear my head"

" i'm at a weird point right now. i've always missed him, & i've always loved him. but i kissed him, & him, & him. but i also love you, & i can't imagine not spending my time with you. in addition, i should just be focusing on myself. my head hurts, my heart is sore, & i'm tired. "

why is it so hard to accept things as they are? why do we struggle & fight against the inevitable? is it the knowledge that things could be better? or is it hope? the hope that if things were different, we would be different. better. stronger. complete.

"Desperate"at this point, she'd do anything for even an inch of sympathy.
if you ask society, she's crazy.

find a globe. point to where you are. now point to the exact opposite location. this is the farthest place away from you. figure out exactly how to get there (this is easily done online). write down the directions & seal them in an envelope. on the envelope write: "how to get as faraway as possible." keep this envelope in a safe place. you may need this in the future incase you have to escape (because of the occurrence of undesirable future events, or simply the overwhelming of certain feelings over your body and mind).

you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans.
" you always had to be right, but now you've lost the only thing that ever made you feel alive"

That's what happens when the only voice she hears is telling her she can't.
& it took a while for her to figure out that she could run.

who doesn't long for someone to hold, who knows how to love you without being told? somebody tell me why i'm on my own if there's a soulmate for everyone?

do you ever wanna run away?
please say yes.

"with the radio turned up so loud that no one hea
rs you screaming"
welcome to my life - simple plan

Do you ever feel like breaking down?Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong;And no one understands you. Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming,No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right,You don't know what it's like
To be like me,To be hurt,To feel lost
To be left out in the dark,To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around,To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you,No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Do you wanna be somebody else?Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more? Before your life is over
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?Are you sick of everyone around?
With their big fake smiles and stupid lies,While deep inside you're bleeding
No you don't know what it's like,When nothing feels alright
You don't know what it's like..To be like me

All i have ever dreamed of was living that perfect life. turns out, that life is just a fairytale.. something that will never brought to reality by anyone no matter who they are.

"but more than anything, i wanted to be able to walk away. & it seemed like the one thing i couldn't do at that moment. like my feet were glued to the pavement & my lips & tongue suddenly weren't able to work. it was the moment i knew i had been waiting for, to tell him just how broken i felt & how empty & wrong everything felt without him next to me. that everything i did reminded me of him & no matter how hard i tried, nothing i did felt completely right. but to declare that i'm so strong & i always knew i would be okay without him holding my hand. that this is what life consists of. of "i'm sorry's" & "i miss you's." & i knew that we all had to fall at some point, but i wasn't ready to fall. i tried to leap but had nowhere to land. "i guess i thought you'd come back." i said with tear filled eyes. & i didn't want him to see me weak, it was that last thing i wanted to show him. the pit of my stomach lurched forward & i think my hear fell out of my chest. i was never good at making statements but with nothing to lose, i had everything to gain. "what do you want me to say?" "i want you to say something. i wa- want you to know. i want you to understand & feel everything i felt when you decided to just leave. to just waltz out when the timing felt right for you. well the timing wasn't right for me. i woke up every morning with an aching heart. i hoped you would come back & every night when you wouldn't, it felt like i was missing something. i want you to say you're sorry, i want you to say you missed me. i want you to say that every minute you were gone that you wished you were here. i want you to say anything." "babe.." he choked out "but most of all, i want you to know that i don't need you. because during the month that you decided not to visit or call or communicate, i found something that you could never give me. i found myself." & in that instance, my feet swiftly turned me to face the sunset & i walked away from something i wasn't sure two months ago i would ever turn back on. i always thought i needed someone to love me. but loving myself was something i needed far more."

" There are two types of secrets, the ones we keep from others, and the ones we keep from ourselves"

there are no foreign lands. it is only the traveler who is foreign.
girl, you're doing everything wrong but you make it look so good.

been through a lot in the last year, it's like everything i love is slipping away. & every time i come home, some more of me isn't there. i gotta get it together, i need to do things for myself. i've given everything but still you take more from me. i need some room to breathe.

yes, i'm going to ask again, for somewhere around the 1,000 000th time; why me?

if there is something she's done to deserve this, please let her know so at least there'd be something she was certain about in her life..

[ while your sleeping with your pride; dont worry ill be fine ]

0 kissies: