Monday, January 11, 2010

' starts in my toess*

In order for something to last forever,
it must be effortle
because eventually, we
all give up.

I can't take this any more;
There's something you should know,
What's been going on..
Yeah, It's messing with my heart
I can't even start
To describe what I've been holding inside.

" When you look at me,
it’s like you’re secretly trying to tell me not to give up hope.
But I want you to know something
, I almost have."

"..I have nothing to say to that"
please let me now how to handle this situation,
because I know, that without guidance I'm going to end up doing
something I'm going to la
ter regret.

Hello love, you've taken my head for a spin.
I cant control the feelings I'm hiding within me, can
you find a way to pause these moments and just permanently erase them so I never have to look back and see how adorable he really is.
Can you erase them so I don't have to look back and count the uncountable times I've embarrassed myself in front of him.Erase them so I can finally forget how I was before he walked into my life, so that I can never look back and become what I once was. That insecure wreck. Erase it so I can say bye.. Bye to all the memories &
regrets& secrets; And hello to not givin' a damn anymore, to just living my life the way it should be lived. After all, my life isn't worth wasting. And as crazy as it may sound, your isn't either.This is a promise to myself, that from now onI'll live it up,and break it down; forgive,forget and move on..Be noone but myself and not that ridiculous clown. Both in which I'm capable of inpersonating equally well.

The way she speaks makes me shy away, from the only thing that keeps me going each day.Why cant she understand I love him too, my hearts on hold my love wont move.My love for her she cant conquer,he has to choose, its me or her.She needs her friends but I need him, I don't like change but its not a sin. Maybe I shouldn't try..Be something like them, I feel like a rock, and they're all the jems.
I don't understand what makes him so invincible & aspiring apon my mind, all I know is apon my soul, he's one of a kind.
Have you ever experianced a web of love? So many other girls in his life.. like hes sent form above.. He's got a bunch of girls he can pick and choos
e, but he's one of the guys I'm not willing to lose.You can steal my heart, willpower and joy, but please don't you dare lay your sight on this boy.Because I know for a fact, that the moment you do, you'll become one of his, and he'll be first in your life too.Watch where you step and think where you go,take my advice, that smiles' just a show.Under that smile,he's got a voicebox of gold, his charm starts spraying out like a hose; everything he says, makes you crinkle your nose. I love this boy, you probably do too..But just know, there are other girls out here who love him more than you do, I know how you feel.. without him..
we're screwed.
credit; b-lov3

why is it that we let them put u
s through living hell..
then take them back without hesistation?
oh life's great isn't it.

offline message: (5:31am):
i'm here for you

0 kissies: