Saturday, January 23, 2010

He and I had something beautiful but so dysfunctional it couldn’t last.
she once lived a happy life

She was precious like a flower,
she grew wild, wild but innocent,
a perfect prayer in a desperate hour,
she was everything beautiful and different,

Tell me I can't and I'll show you I can.

You look at her so amazed, I remember when you used to look at me that way.

Never make someone your priority when all you are to them is an option.

This is the best chance you've got, and most of you won't do a thing even when something in your gut makes you suddenly taste saliva in your mouth and for a second you almost ask yourself is this all my life is ever going to be?

"He and I had something beautiful but so dysfunctional it couldn’t last"

but, like ivy, we grow where there is room for us.

i think it's more interesting to see people who don't feel appropriately. i relate to that, because sometimes i don't feel anything at all for things i'm supposed to and other times, i feel too much. it's not always like it is in the movies.

The sun is out, it melts the snow that fell yesterday. makes you wonder why it bothered..

you're probably thinking i've forgotten all about you by now, but that's far from it. i have missed you every waking day and my heart still hurts, but i'm getting better. i continue to smile and still go on without you. i know i have missed you, but i have kept it all inside of me, only for me to know. i still wonder about your doings, how you are, what you're doing, what we used to talk about, to the laugh in your voice. just everything - i miss it all. however, i feel that the parting of us was for the best, because everything happens for a reason. should destiny put us into a crossing road in the future, that is when i will see you again. until then, remember this; no matter what, even through the screaming fights, the disagreements, mistakes and the tears we've cried, never ever did I give up on you. so if you ever need a helping hand, do not hesitate to ask. i may be far away, but i will always be in reach.

to everybody i've ever known : i'm so sorry for everything that's happened. i don't know how to fix it.

i'm going to walk away and it's up to you to say how far.

stay mad as long as you can because once you`re not mad anymore, it hurts. it hurts like hell & once it hurts that bad, you can`t make yourself mad anymore.

he’s the king of mixed signals, and i’m the queen of second thoughts.

you're no longer my last phone call or text message, no longer my last kiss, yet somehow, you're still the first thing on my mind.

fuck it. you throw a dart at a map, we’ll go there and start new. somewhere else in the world that’s not here. somewhere where we haven’t said things to each other that we can’t unsay and done things which we can’t undo. there we can say new things. we can do new things. and those new things we say and do will be more important than the old things. let’s leave. please. leave with me.

i hate how we never got our chance to see what we could’ve been. i hate how i know i’m not over you and how i pretend to be.

you can tell a lot about a person's character by what they smile about.

i have never been strong enough to stay. people say that walking away is the hardest thing to do, but it isn't. staying, even when you know it will break your heart, is the hardest thing. staying right where you are, waiting for your entire world to be ripped into pieces is much harder than walking away and starting a new one.

0 kissies: