Thursday, December 31, 2009

new years;
"out with the old.
in with the new"

forget me.

promise ? - i always knew we'd click ;)

I love -
missing you

He's not just another fairytale prince charming.. Oh don't get me wrong, he IS a prince, but the difference is that he is actually real, so believe & have faith, baby.

you really do leave me speechless.
whether you realize it or not,
I am who I am because of you.
all of you.

everyday, she tries to fill that void in her heart.
nobody else sees what she sees.
nobody else wants what she wants.
nobody else deals with what she deals with.
but what hurts her the most,
is that nobody else
simply cares.
But he,
oh him, ahhh, he makes it okay.
He alone has the power to make all of her pain dissolve into tears,
tears of joy.
nobody, NOBODY
can get through to her like he can.
sad thing is,
he ain't hers.
she's defininitly not reading the signs right.


He IS perfect.
we're all right.
"We" being every single girl out there madly inlove with this boy..
I hope i'm different in his eyes though,
I want to be the one he chooses out of all of the rest no matter who they are or how long he's ever dated any of them.
I want him and I strongly believe that I need him.
Do you know how determination feels?
anyone know how to control it ?

lost my head the day i met you;
as of that day, i remain blinded by love.

" Waiting in the car, waiting in my heart, its early in the morning, new years eve is yet to start. I don't feel like he wants me, or even loves me back,I run instead of walk, like terry fox put on a track. My love for you is neverending, you can see it from afar, the frozen picture in my mind:
us two kissing at the park "
written by 'B-LOV3
your love takes me higher.

boy, you can count on me

I really can't help myself, I'm falling head over heels for him. Every fucking glance at him makes my stomach churn and my heart ache.. Because every time those eyes lay on me, its like i'm the
one in the whole room to him, and he's like the only one in the world to me and i just wish that i could get lost in his arms and that we could hold on to eachother for ever.. but its amazing how such beautiful moments hurt me because i know that we can never be. it feels like we actually do live in seperate worlds, and fuck, its glorious when they intertwine.

[ goodbye 2009 ]

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Love is like a rumor. Everybody talks about it, but no one really knows.
I gotta say what's in my mind
Something about us
doesn't seem right these days
life keeps getting in the way
Whenever we try, somehow the plan
is always rearranged
It's so hard to say
But I've gotta do what's best for me
You'll be okay..
I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own way
Don't wanna leave it all behind
But I get my hopes up
and I watch them fall everytime
Another colour turns to grey
and it's just too hard to watch it all
slowly fade away
I'm leaving today 'cause I've
gotta do what's best for me
you'll be okay..
I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
But at least for nowAdd ImageI gotta go my own away

" cause when your fifteen and somebody tells you they love you"

A true friend is someone who can say absolutely nothing to you in a time of need, and you feel better just knowing they are beside you.
I think sometimes you have to loose somebody completely before you realize how much they really did mean to you.

last night, I treated myself to an extremely relaxing bubble bath & massage.
finally, because you know what?
I really do deserve it,
although there are probably a million girls who would object to that statement,
but I do deserve it.
they haven't seen the secret tears.
they weren't there to witness me at the lowest point i've ever experienced.
nights seem to be longer,
everything seems less hectic,
I need a break.
I need to relax, to take this all in;
to see how far everyone has come.
and a break is exactly what I'll get.
because the power to separate myself from stress is in the palm of my hands.
" make love , not war "
yeah, not so impossible after all.
seriously,I never thought i'd be strong enough to do it,
but I sat there, and deleted every single saved conversation with him I had left,
ripped my favourite picture.., inhaled, exhaled and smiled.
last night was relaxing.
last night I was alone.
last night gave me alot to think & dream about.
since last night, I have a new prespective on life.
I actually AM sorry.
I'm done with bullshit.
done with drama.
done with him.
today, I pulled myself out of bed,
and for the first time in a while,
motivated myself to love my life.

" I bet everyone thinks I'm a drama queen because I'm always upset about something. But if they knew everything, and all the secrets, and pain that I hide, they would see how strong I really am. "

"stop looking at what you don't have,
and start looking at what you do "

-T.I <3

Why can't I have a happy ending for once.

change Pictures, Images and Photos

You change for one of two reasons :
-you learn enough to want to
-you've been hurt enough to have to

I'm done with the old me.
sorry for everything.
sorry i'm not perfect.

im really sorry. Pictures, Images and Photos

I'm inlove with blogs.
I never thought I'd understand
From the things I've heard,the things she's said about me, I never saw any possibilities of friendship.
I know I haven't treated her with respect, only because of the stuff her friends had been putting me through, and for some reason I just expected her to be there for me, meanwhile her best friends were the ones who hated me.. I just jumped to conclusions.
I am hated & I am
sure, it may not seem like it,
but through all of the shit I've been through, the stuff I've said, the feelings I've felt, and the ones I've hurt; its amazing that people in my life still
do respect me. And those are the friends I'm going to remember forever.
The thing with
her is,
people under estimate her.
I still can't beleive it, but its almost as if I'm forcing myself to forget about everything that has happend this year, pushing myself to just move forward and progress instead of wasting my time with stupid drama.
I don't know what it is,
but by reading her blog it just explained to me how she's hurting too..
I'm now inlove with blogs&xanga's only because they are here for you to dish yourself out on when nobody else is around, even if nobody wants to hear it anymore, you can always count on your keyboard. I find that by reading somebody's xanga or blog will give you insight on that person. The real them; because most posts you see on somebody's blog, are never really something they would say or tell you in person, you just connect to them through their feelings.
and I think that
that is a beautiful thing.. & everybody deserves second, even third chances, so take the time to understand what somebody you dislike or maybe someone you do like, just take the time to relate to them, and see how we're really all the same.
We all have our struggles, our disabilities, and our specialties.
I really do sympathize for this girl,
by reading her deep thoughts, it made me relate,
I see how loyal and honest she
could be.
Through all our tough times and rough battles, I see a friendship,
and it's not so much in the distance like it used to be.

photography Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, December 21, 2009

To you, I'm just some girl you met on summer break. A girl that you just go to when you have no else to talk to. That girl that lives so close but still you never have to see or talk to if you don't want to. And me, you are so much more. Your the boy that I gave my whole heart to & you didn't even notice or care. That boy that I had the most amazing times with. The one that I could never get out of my head.

Photography Pictures, Images and Photos

Let go of the parts of life you honestly don't want & today will be a good day.

All of us are in the gutters, but some of us are looking at the stars.

"A guy and a girl can be just friends but at one point or another, they will fall for eachother. Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever."
-Dave Matthews

photography Pictures, Images and Photos

Go for long walks, Indulge in hot baths, question your assumptions, be kind to yourself, live for the moment, loosen up, scream, curse the world, count your blessings.
Just let go. Just be.
photography Pictures, Images and Photos
Don't ask what the meaning of life is.
You define it.

Photography Pictures, Images and Photos

Make peace with your past, so it won't mess up the present.

note to self:
If your not their first choice, just walk away, It's only going to hurt.
If they're not your first choice, just walk away,
It's only going to hurt them.

Quote Pictures, Images and Photos

They always say the truth hurts, well its true & it does.

Christmas Bokeh Pictures, Images and Photos
early merry christmass _ blov3

Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they're afraid of falling & getting hurt. Instead they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think that there is something wrong with them, when in reality, they are amazing. That is why we just have to be a little patient & the right boy, the one who takes a chance to find the good, right apple, will come someday.

he broke her heart over and over again,
he made her absolutely crazy.
but on the good days,
he was the one that made her wake up in the morning.
but on the bad days,
he was thing that made her not want to.

you have no idea what it's like to be hours away from the only thing that makes you want to wake up in the morning.

i don't know what to say to you anymore.
anything i say just isn't enough to make
you realize that i really do need you.

you could have me in a heartbeat if you wanted to.

in the game of seduction, there's only one rule. never fall in love

i miss you when something really good happens, because you are the one i want to share it with. i miss you when something is troubling me because you are the one who understands me so well. i miss you when i laugh and cry because i know that you are the one that makes my laughter grow and my tears disappear. i miss you all the time, but i miss you most when i lay awake at night and think of all the wonderful times we spent with each other, for those were some of the best times of my life.

i don't know what it is about you. maybe it's the way nothing else matters when we're talking, or how you make me smile more than anyone else has. it could be the way you say the right thing at the right time. but whatever it is, i just want you to know, it means everything to me..

I really don't get it.
why me?
why now..
No one deserves to have no calm place to turn in their time of need.
Your only goal is to make me miserable?
You can't fucking understand what your putting me through,
The pain, the troubles, the drama,
I have enough of this to deal with everyday.
You and all your stupid ultimatums.
It's not that I don't want to choose, its that I can't.
It can't all just go away,
I cannot push myself enough to just start all over,
New surroundings,
New beginning ?
No matter how bad it is.. for some strange reason I still prefer all this over..

yeah, happy holidays to you too,
mother fucker.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

Its moments like these that I live for.
Sometimes I wish I had never met you. Because then I could go to sleep at night not knowing there was someone like you out there.”

“Where you're going isn't nearly as important as who you're going with.”

"People know the truth, they may not like it,or want to know it, but, but they always know."
-The Last Kiss

Nothing lasts forever no matter how it feels today.

"Do you remember what you told me once? That every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around."-Vanilla Sky

From the time that we were little,I knew you’d always be not just a loving sister But a caring friend to me.
A shoulder I could cry on, A helping hand in times of need, A cheerleader to lift me up,My angel in both word and deed.

We told each other secrets; We giggled and we cried.We shared our joys and sorrows-We were always side by side.
We have a very special bond;I knew it from the start.You’ll have my love forever-We’re sisters, heart to heart.


“And maybe someday I'll believe that we are all a part of some bigger plan. But, tonight I just don't give a damn. If the world is ending, I'm throwing the party.”

"there are better things ahead than any we leave behind."

“Letting go isn't a onetime thing. It's something you do every day, over and over again.”

Sometimes you couldn't face the sadness of being forgotten until you felt the comfort of being remembered again.

//summer polyvore sett// -personal credit

“If you're planning to let me go today. Make sure you'll never come back tomorrow.”

“Road signs and streetlights are what guide you on your way. Distance doesn't seem to matter much if you've got big dreams at a young age.”

No matter how hard it gets, just keep going because you only fail when you give up.

“Here's to the moments where we didn't think about right and wrong, where we just lived, crossed our fingers, and hoped for the best.”

"so here's everything i ever wanted to tell you, no one has ever gotten me like you do."

I miss your smile, but i miss mine even more.

"Yes, I’m drunk. And you’re beautiful. And tomorrow morning, I’ll be sober but you’ll still be beautiful."-The Dreamers

"We just laid there while he told me how much he loved me without saying anything. And if there ever was a more perfect day in the history of time, it wasn't one i've heard about."

"I love you and I probably always will. But we go days without having meaningful conversations. and I used to miss you so much when that happened. But it never seemed like you missed me, and I guess because of that, I stopped missing you."-One Tree Hill

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I shouldn't love you but I want to, I just can't turn away, I shouldn't see you but I can't move,
how to be fine when I'm not because I don't know how to make a feeling stop.
Just so you know; This feeling is taking control of me And I can't help it, I won't sit around;
I can't let you win now, Thought you should know I've tried my best to let you go,
But I don't want too.
I can't look away.
And I don't know how to be fine when I'm not.


now you're broken.

" If you ever want something badly, let it go. If it comes back to you, then it's yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never yours to begin with "

B L A K E <3
"I once heard someone say that I'm similar to Paris Hilton, since I have a dog and blonde hair, that must mean we're alike.... I don't go to clubs, I don't party, I don't dance on tables, and I don't like sex tapes."
Blake: In high school, there are so many cliques.
You're never safe. In between my junior and senior years,
I went away to film Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,
and I came back ready to do the things with my friends that we always did,
but things change. People get older, and there are some inside jokes that you don't know about that have happened.
You feel lost for a while, and it's hard to come back from that.
Then the friends who have "replaced" you are territorial. I've experienced that a little bit.
There are catty, insecure, and gossipy girls everywhere, but for me, I don't think it's a matter of any of them being genuinely bad at heart.
I just think that maybe the different ways in which people are raised make them different and insecure.
They point out the bad things in others just to make themselves feel better. It's everywhere.

forever comes faster than it's meant to.

for those days;
days like
when fun isn't an option,
just kick back, relax because everything will be alright.
right ?

" Im not depressed.. I'm looking down because my shoes are pretty,
and they deserve some attention, because if they don't get attention they'll be depressed, and they dont have any of their own shoes to blame it on so its worse for them because everyone would be able to tell how they are feeling. "

when the only things we have left are our selves, walk becomes run, friends become sisters, boys become hazards and we become hopeless.
find what your looking for & dont stop till you do.
determined minds = success

i just can't pull myself away,
under a spell i can't break,
i just
c a n ' t s t o p
its ironic; but i'm going to say thanks.
thanks for teaching me that it's okay to cry.
thanks for teaching me the way the girl's mind works.
thanks for destroying almost every friendship i've had.
thanks for taking that knife and using it as soon as my back turned.
thanks for losing my trust.
thanks for embarrassing me.
thanks for all the yelling, screaming & bitching.
thanks for all the rumors.
thanks for all your gossip.
thanks for all your lies.

thanks for making me

"Let’s make like a Fabric softener and Snuggle"

"Cause theres a switch that gets hit and it all stops making sense And in the middle of drinks, maybe the fifth or the sixth I'm completely alone at a table of friends I feel nothing for them. I feel nothing, nothing.. all i'm wanting is you, why can't you understand. "

Sometimes I remember the times when I had forgotten what it felt like to find someone you can't get enough of.
& I hope that girl knows, she's got a fucking prince,
and he says he's found his queen, so it's my que to backoff ? and all I can do is dream.

She was often restless to the point of irritability. She simply liked to feel that she was prevented from leaving, that she was needed.

You are a dream come true, for someone, but not for me. Still, we can't have fun, darling? I can't say what I don't mean, you give me more than I can contain. It hurts to know the truth, but this will never go your way. I never said i love you.