Sunday, December 20, 2009

Its moments like these that I live for.
Sometimes I wish I had never met you. Because then I could go to sleep at night not knowing there was someone like you out there.”

“Where you're going isn't nearly as important as who you're going with.”

"People know the truth, they may not like it,or want to know it, but, but they always know."
-The Last Kiss

Nothing lasts forever no matter how it feels today.

"Do you remember what you told me once? That every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around."-Vanilla Sky

From the time that we were little,I knew you’d always be not just a loving sister But a caring friend to me.
A shoulder I could cry on, A helping hand in times of need, A cheerleader to lift me up,My angel in both word and deed.

We told each other secrets; We giggled and we cried.We shared our joys and sorrows-We were always side by side.
We have a very special bond;I knew it from the start.You’ll have my love forever-We’re sisters, heart to heart.


“And maybe someday I'll believe that we are all a part of some bigger plan. But, tonight I just don't give a damn. If the world is ending, I'm throwing the party.”

"there are better things ahead than any we leave behind."

“Letting go isn't a onetime thing. It's something you do every day, over and over again.”

Sometimes you couldn't face the sadness of being forgotten until you felt the comfort of being remembered again.

//summer polyvore sett// -personal credit

“If you're planning to let me go today. Make sure you'll never come back tomorrow.”

“Road signs and streetlights are what guide you on your way. Distance doesn't seem to matter much if you've got big dreams at a young age.”

No matter how hard it gets, just keep going because you only fail when you give up.

“Here's to the moments where we didn't think about right and wrong, where we just lived, crossed our fingers, and hoped for the best.”

"so here's everything i ever wanted to tell you, no one has ever gotten me like you do."

I miss your smile, but i miss mine even more.

"Yes, I’m drunk. And you’re beautiful. And tomorrow morning, I’ll be sober but you’ll still be beautiful."-The Dreamers

"We just laid there while he told me how much he loved me without saying anything. And if there ever was a more perfect day in the history of time, it wasn't one i've heard about."

"I love you and I probably always will. But we go days without having meaningful conversations. and I used to miss you so much when that happened. But it never seemed like you missed me, and I guess because of that, I stopped missing you."-One Tree Hill

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