Wednesday, December 16, 2009

you can choose, what you want your life to be, but i have it a little different, or different has it for me.

People say that the bad memories cause the most pain. But actually it’s the good ones that drive you insane.

It's not just physical attraction. I love you for every single thing that you are. Every word you say, every step you take. This is something that will never die.

if you're afraid of something,you've got to stand and face it.

music saves more lives than war,so put down your gun and get on the dance floor.

I'm not going to tell the story the way it happened.I'm going to tell it the way I remember it.

People say you cannot live without love,well, I say oxygen is more important.

there's nothing like a bit of competition to makeyou want someone more than you probably should.
i cant stop feeling this way.i cant stop feeling so helpless.your love was the onlything i ever had, ever.and to have it ripped away its likeripping my own heart out.i wish i could see your face one last time.and hear your voice tell me itsgonna be alright. but your gone and nothing is okay anymore.
You didnt care about me, you dont destroy people you care about.

Missing someone gets easier every day, because eventhough it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will.

He wasn't what I'd thought he was; maybe he never had been. But I wasn't what I thought I was, either.

So, hi. This is me. A human being, in all of my frailty.laying myself out for you, that we might walk through this beautiful,awful, strange thing we call life, together.
if you repeat chapters, the ending will never change
To forget somebody isn't possible.Deep inside, you remember everything.You may not think of them for years at a timebut you don't know how to forget.You can recall the way they smiled when they were happyand the way their faces showed no expressionwhen they couldn't find their way.

Have you ever realized that when people say you've changed, it’s just because you've stopped living your life their way?

0 kissies: