Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sometimes, loving is like smoking a cigarette.They won't stop smoking till they reach the filter;and when they are already done and satisfied,they'll not just drop you, they'll even step on you.

everything i think of you changes constantly. i love you, i hate you, i need you, i want you, i am so much better off without you,you don't deserve me, you're everything to me. there are times i think i can get over you, and times when i knowi can't. there are times i flirt with other guys,and think maybe something could even blossom there because that guy could love me back.but all my fantasies involving that guy just entail you watching us together;you realizing that i am everything you ever dreamed of. & then my imagination breaks away from all my self control, and i imagine you and i together, just like i always have.

"don't be afraid of the world.we're all just the people you
c o u l d h a v e b e e n "

i wonder if it's okay to cry over you : we were never anything special. i just thought we could be.

I want to love someone whose heart has been broken,so that he knows exactly how it feels and won't break

0 kissies: