Saturday, December 19, 2009

It seems like the things that are the hardest to say, end up being the most important.

you ever get that feeling where you don`t want to talk to anybody,you don`t want to smile and you don`t want to fake being happy,but you don't really know what's wrong?

" If you're willing to chase me,I promise I'll run slow "

If I could hold a star for every time he made me smile,I would have the whole sky in the palm of my hands.

Why ruin a perfectly good flower, when you know he loves you not?
"If you love her you should tell her because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken."

The beauty in this world isn't hidden,we just don't open our eyes to see it.
The spaces between our fingers were created so that another persons could fill them in.

0 kissies: