Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'm inlove with blogs.
I never thought I'd understand
From the things I've heard,the things she's said about me, I never saw any possibilities of friendship.
I know I haven't treated her with respect, only because of the stuff her friends had been putting me through, and for some reason I just expected her to be there for me, meanwhile her best friends were the ones who hated me.. I just jumped to conclusions.
I am hated & I am
sure, it may not seem like it,
but through all of the shit I've been through, the stuff I've said, the feelings I've felt, and the ones I've hurt; its amazing that people in my life still
do respect me. And those are the friends I'm going to remember forever.
The thing with
her is,
people under estimate her.
I still can't beleive it, but its almost as if I'm forcing myself to forget about everything that has happend this year, pushing myself to just move forward and progress instead of wasting my time with stupid drama.
I don't know what it is,
but by reading her blog it just explained to me how she's hurting too..
I'm now inlove with blogs&xanga's only because they are here for you to dish yourself out on when nobody else is around, even if nobody wants to hear it anymore, you can always count on your keyboard. I find that by reading somebody's xanga or blog will give you insight on that person. The real them; because most posts you see on somebody's blog, are never really something they would say or tell you in person, you just connect to them through their feelings.
and I think that
that is a beautiful thing.. & everybody deserves second, even third chances, so take the time to understand what somebody you dislike or maybe someone you do like, just take the time to relate to them, and see how we're really all the same.
We all have our struggles, our disabilities, and our specialties.
I really do sympathize for this girl,
by reading her deep thoughts, it made me relate,
I see how loyal and honest she
could be.
Through all our tough times and rough battles, I see a friendship,
and it's not so much in the distance like it used to be.

photography Pictures, Images and Photos

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