Wednesday, December 9, 2009

you dont know what you have untill it's gone.
dont believe me?

that girl at school or work,
the one with all the nice clothes,
the one with all the boys,
the one with the nicest eyes,
the one with the best friends,
the one everybody wanted to be;
it doesn't matter how good you have it.
there's always SOMETHING missing. agreed ?
but right now i want you to close your eyes and look at your life.
see how far you have come, your goals, your acheivement.
at use THAT as your power.
there's a saying out there : " don't ever look back "
i object. LOOK BACK. its the best thing you can do.
look back to see how far YOU have come.

there is this girl,
and every move she makes, she is being watched.
she isn't paranoid, but its true.
she is fourteen, dark brown eyes, mohagany brown & blonde hair,
and she swears that every time she walks into a room all eyes would be on her.
at one point in her life, a while ago actually, the stares would be envious, but she was still loved, adored. untill one day, things began to change, slowly at the beggining of course.
it all happend one summer.. she made choices that she thought were great at the time.
and one by one her friends would call, calls ignored, her friends would ALWAYS be there for her. one by one, friends never called anymore?.. the people who looked up to her seemed to have faded.. all of her relationships feel distant. she feels alone. but everything is hidden at this point. NOBODY could see through her pearly white smile and crushing stare. not even her.
months passed, same thing continued. never clicked to her that something was wrong.
till the day, everytime she walks into a room, all eyes remain on her. but the loving-envious stares turned into dirty looks & cold shoulders. you see this girl, didnt appreciate what she had. she had the privallege of being an idol to many, and gave it up with one slick desicion. within a heartbeat, everything was lost.

0 kissies: