Thursday, December 31, 2009

new years;
"out with the old.
in with the new"

forget me.

promise ? - i always knew we'd click ;)

I love -
missing you

He's not just another fairytale prince charming.. Oh don't get me wrong, he IS a prince, but the difference is that he is actually real, so believe & have faith, baby.

you really do leave me speechless.
whether you realize it or not,
I am who I am because of you.
all of you.

everyday, she tries to fill that void in her heart.
nobody else sees what she sees.
nobody else wants what she wants.
nobody else deals with what she deals with.
but what hurts her the most,
is that nobody else
simply cares.
But he,
oh him, ahhh, he makes it okay.
He alone has the power to make all of her pain dissolve into tears,
tears of joy.
nobody, NOBODY
can get through to her like he can.
sad thing is,
he ain't hers.
she's defininitly not reading the signs right.


He IS perfect.
we're all right.
"We" being every single girl out there madly inlove with this boy..
I hope i'm different in his eyes though,
I want to be the one he chooses out of all of the rest no matter who they are or how long he's ever dated any of them.
I want him and I strongly believe that I need him.
Do you know how determination feels?
anyone know how to control it ?

lost my head the day i met you;
as of that day, i remain blinded by love.

" Waiting in the car, waiting in my heart, its early in the morning, new years eve is yet to start. I don't feel like he wants me, or even loves me back,I run instead of walk, like terry fox put on a track. My love for you is neverending, you can see it from afar, the frozen picture in my mind:
us two kissing at the park "
written by 'B-LOV3
your love takes me higher.

boy, you can count on me

I really can't help myself, I'm falling head over heels for him. Every fucking glance at him makes my stomach churn and my heart ache.. Because every time those eyes lay on me, its like i'm the
one in the whole room to him, and he's like the only one in the world to me and i just wish that i could get lost in his arms and that we could hold on to eachother for ever.. but its amazing how such beautiful moments hurt me because i know that we can never be. it feels like we actually do live in seperate worlds, and fuck, its glorious when they intertwine.

[ goodbye 2009 ]

0 kissies: